Requiem Configuration 


Requiem adds a few gamerules to help customize a server’s gameplay:

  • requiem:showPossessorNameTag

    If set to true, shows the name of the possessor above the head of possessed entities.

    /gamerule requiem:showPossessorNameTag <value>
  • requiem:disableCure

    If set to true, the cure mechanic will be disabled entirely.

    /gamerule requiem:disableCure <value>
  • requiem:startingRemnantType

    Can be set to FORCE_REMNANT or FORCE_VANILLA to enforce all players to be respectively a demon or a normal player at the start of the game.

    /gamerule requiem:startingRemnantType <value>
  • requiem:possessionKeepInventory

    Can be set to LIVING or ALWAYS to respectively keep the inventory on your soul when you split while your possessed entity is still living, or to always keep the inventory on your soul when possession stops for any reason.

    /gamerule requiem:possessionKeepInventory <value>
  • requiem:possessionDetection > 2.0.0

    Can be set to DISABLED or HARD to respectively disable hostiles detecting possessed mobs, or to make you more suspicious to them.

    /gamerule requiem:possessionDetection <value>



The lists below represent a file tree taking root in the tags directory of a datapack.

New: Edit tags directly in this section by clicking on the 📝 buttons, then click “Export” at the end to generate your datapack!

Checking “Replace Existing” deletes default values.


  • requiem:tags/blocks
    • soul_impermeable.json

      Specifies which blocks cannot be phased through by incorporeal players.


      Block Identifier Sort Remove
    • soul_interactable.json > 2.0.0

      Specifies which blocks can be interacted with (right-clicked) by incorporeal players.


      Block Identifier Sort Remove
    • wandering_soul_traversable.json > 2.0.0

      Specifies which blocks wandering souls (souls released from a vessel) can just fly through.


      Block Identifier Sort Remove
    • obelisk
      • frame.json > 2.0.0

        Specifies which blocks can be used as part of an obelisk’s frame.


        Block Identifier Sort Remove
      • core.json > 2.0.0

        Specifies which blocks can be used as part of an obelisk’s core - must be runestone blocks.


        Block Identifier Sort Remove


Entity Types

Most entity type tags control aspects of possession.

  • requiem:tags/entity_types
    • behavior
      • arrow_generators.json

        Entities that generate arrows out of thin air when using a bow or crossbow. This tag is empty in vanilla requiem.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
      • immovable.json

        Entities that cannot move normally, like shulkers in vanilla. Those are also included by default in frictionless_hosts.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
      • regular_eaters.json

        Entities that should use a regular hunger bar when possessed.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • inventory
      • armor_banned.json

        Entities that cannot use armor when possessed, overrides the automatic detection of armor users.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
      • armor_users.json

        Entities that can use armor when possessed.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
      • inventory_carriers.json

        Entities that can use the whole player inventory when possessed.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
      • item_users.json

        Entities that can hold items in their hands and use them when possessed. An entity must currently have this tag to be curable.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
      • supercrafters.json

        Entities that give access to a portable 3x3 crafting inventory when possessed.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • possession
      • frictionless_hosts.json

        Entities that can be dissociated from at any time, like golems in the base mod.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
      • possessables.json

        Entities that can be possessed. Irrelevant when pandemonium is installed.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
      • possession_blacklist.json

        Entities that can never be possessed, like the Wither and the Ender Dragon.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • transformation
      • replaceable_skeletons.json

        Skeletons that will be swapped with a regular vanilla skeleton after replacing enough bones, like wither skeletons in the base mod.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
      • skeletonizable.json

        Mobs that can use the totem of skeletonization when possessed.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • vision
      • dichromats.json

        Mobs that use the dichromatic shader in first person.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
      • tetrachromats.json

        Mobs that use the “tetrachromatic” (not very tetrachromatic) shader in first person.


        Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • golems.json

      Golems are by default included in the frictionless_hosts tag.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • humanoid_skeletons.json

      Humanoid skeletons are by default included in the armor_users, item_users, inventory_carriers, skeletonizable, and skeletons tags.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • humanoid_zombies.json

      Humanoid zombies are by default included in the armor_users, item_users, inventory_carriers, skeletonizable, and zombies tags.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • humans.json

      Humans are by default included in the armor_users, inventory_carriers, item_users, and skeletonizable tags.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • illagers.json

      Illagers get the carnist diet and are by default included in the villager_folk tag.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • mushroom_folk.json

      Mushroom people get the mushroom diet by default. This tag is empty in vanilla requiem.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • piglins.json

      Piglins get the piglin diet and are by default included in the item_users and skeletonizable tags.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • skeletons.json

      Skeletons are by default included in the undead tag.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • undead.json

      Undead mobs are by default included in the possessables tag.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • villager_folk.json

      The Villager family of mobs get the village food diet and are included in the humans tag by default.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • villagers.json

      Villagers get the vegetarian diet and are included in the villager_folk tag by default.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • witches.json

      Witches get the witch diet and are included in the villager_folk tag by default.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove
    • zombies.json

      Zombies are by default included in the undead tag. Players killed by them may resurrect as zombies.


      Entity type Identifier Sort Remove


  • requiem:tags/items
    • food
      • baked_goods.json

        Included by default in the villager_base_diet tag.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • cooked_fishes.json

        Included by default in the meat_based tag.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • cooked_meats.json

        Included by default in the meat_based tag.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • dairy_products.json

        Currently unused.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • golden.json

        Included by default in the piglin_diet tag.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • illager_diet.json

        Food that can be eaten by illagers.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • meat_based.json

        Included by default in the illager_diet tag.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • mushroom_based.json

        Included by default in the mushroom_diet and witch_diet tags.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • piglin_diet.json

        Food that can be eaten by piglins.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • plant_based.json

        Included by default in the vegetarian tag.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • vegetarian.json

        Included by default in the villager_diet tag.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • villager_base_diet.json

        Food that can be eaten by any mob of the villager family.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • villager_diet.json

        Food that can be eaten by regular villagers.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
      • witch_diet.json

        Food that can be eaten by witches.


        Item Identifier Sort Remove
    • bones.json

      Items that can be used by skeletons to regenerate health.


      Item Identifier Sort Remove
    • pork.json

      Included by default in the piglin_diet tag.


      Item Identifier Sort Remove
    • raw_fishes.json

      Items that can be eaten by drowneds.


      Item Identifier Sort Remove
    • raw_meats.json

      Items that can be eaten by zombies.


      Item Identifier Sort Remove
    • undead_cures.json

      Items that can be eaten to cure a possessed undead entity.


      Item Identifier Sort Remove

Loot Tables

Requiem adds the ability to configure what loot a player gets when first possessing a mob by adding loot table files to <namespace>:loot_tables/requiem/possession/<mob_id>.json. Those loot tables must have the requiem:possession type. For examples, see possession loot tables for vanilla mobs.

Loot table generator:

Loot table conditions

  • requiem:bound_shell: checks properties of a vagrant player’s bound shell (i.e. the last player body they dissociated from). Fails if the checked entity is not a player.
    • entity: The entity to check. Set to this to use the entity that invoked this condition, killer for the killer of the this entity, killer_player to only select the killer if they are a player, or direct_killer for the direct entity that killed this entity.
    • predicate: a predicate for the entity’s bound shell. Composed of the following optional sub-predicates:
      • distance: a distance predicate applied to the distance between the player and its shell. Does not require the shell to be in a loaded chunk.
      • location: a location predicate applied to the shell’s location. Some sub-checks may fail if the shell is not in a loaded chunk.
      • entity: an entity predicate applied to the shell itself. Will fail if the shell is not in a loaded chunk.
  • requiem:host: checks properties of a vagrant player’s host (i.e. the entity they are currently possessing).
    • entity: The entity to check. Set to this to use the entity that invoked this condition, killer for the killer of the this entity, killer_player to only select the killer if they are a player, or direct_killer for the direct entity that killed this entity.
    • predicate: an entity predicate applied to the possessed mob.
  • requiem:possessor: checks properties of a mob’s possessor (i.e. the vagrant player controlling them).
    • entity: The entity to check. Set to this to use the entity that invoked this condition, killer for the killer of the this entity, killer_player to only select the killer if they are a player, or direct_killer for the direct entity that killed this entity.
    • predicate: an entity predicate applied to the possessing player.
  • requiem:rift_mortician: checks whether a mortician is spawned from a rift. Invokable from any context.
    • entity: The entity to check. Set to this to use the entity that invoked this condition, killer for the killer of the this entity, killer_player to only select the killer if they are a player, or direct_killer for the direct entity that killed this entity.

Changes to Predicates

To support more functionality in the following systems, Requiems adds its own predicates to vanilla ones.

Entity Predicates

  • requiem:can_be_cured: can be true or false. If left unspecified, will not affect the predicate in any way. If true, only entities that are possessed and can currently be cured will be matched. If false, only entities that cannot be cured will be matched.
  • requiem:health_fraction: a float range between 0 and 1, that will be applied to the quotient of the current health over the entity’s max health.

Item Predicates

  • requiem:food: a JSON object representing a food component predicate. If left unspecified, will not affect the item predicate in any way. Otherwise, will only match food items. All attributes below are ignored if left unspecified.
    • hunger: an int range for the food’s hunger value
    • saturation_modifier: a float range for the food’s saturation modifier
    • meat: a boolean compared with the food’s meat attribute
    • always_edible: a boolean compared with the food’s alwaysEdible attribute
    • snack: a boolean compared with the food’s snack attribute


When a player or a possessed entity dies in specific conditions, it may resurrect as a new entity. The requiem_resurrections data directory contains the files defining that behavior. Each resurrection scenario is written as a JSON file with the following attributes :

  • schema_version(int): the version of the data format being used. As of 1.4.3, must be 0.
  • priority(int, optional): the priority of the scenario. Higher priority scenarios are tested first. Defaults to 100.
  • killing_blow(damage predicate, optional): a predicate for the damage that killed the entity.
  • player(entity predicate, optional): a predicate for the player being resurrected, or the player possessing the entity being resurrected.
  • possessed(entity predicate, optional): a predicate for the possessed entity being resurrected. If absent, the scenario will only succeed if the player is not possessing anything.
  • consumable(item predicate, optional): a predicate for an item that will be consumed from the player’s inventory if the scenario succeeds. If absent, no item is consumed.
  • entity:
    • type(identifier): the type of the entity that will be summoned if the scenario succeeds.
    • nbt(NBT, optional): additional data for the resulting entity.

Entity Movement

Entities in Minecraft can move in a number of ways. Requiem attempts to capture the movement characteristics of each entity through the requiem:entity_mobility JSON data file. Each entry in this file represents a mob, and contains the following fields (all optional):

  • flightMode(DISABLED/ENABLED/FORCED/UNSPECIFIED): whether an entity can fly, and whether it can stop flying. If not specified, auto-detection will be attempted based on the entity’s class.
  • swimMode(DISABLED/ENABLED/FORCED/UNSPECIFIED): whether an entity can swim, and whether it can stop swimming. If not specified, auto-detection will be attempted based on the entity’s class.
  • flopsOnLand(bool): if true, the entity will consistently autojump when on land, like a fish.
  • climbsWalls(bool): if true, the entity will be able to climb walls, like a spider.
  • phasesThroughWalls(bool): if true, the entity will be able to phase through walls, like a vex.
  • gravity(float): this number will be subtracted from the entity’s vertical velocity each tick. Stacks with regular minecraft gravity. May be negative for inverted gravity.
  • fallSpeedModifier(float): each tick the entity is falling, its vertical velocity will be multiplied by this amount.
  • walkSpeedModifier (float): applied as a multiply_base attribute modifier on the entity’s generic speed attribute. Use negative values to slow down the entity on the ground.
  • inertia(float, [0,1] range): every tick, the movement input is interpolated with the previous speed according to this value. An inertia of 1 means it is impossible to change direction or speed.

Mob Item Overrides

Requiem allows one to override the behavior of an item when it is used by a possessed mob. This is done through files in the requiem/mob_items directory. Each file describes a single override, and contains the following fields:

  • schema_version(int, required): the version of the data format being used. As of 1.7.8, should be 1.
  • priority(int, optional): the priority of the scenario. Higher priority scenarios are tested first. Defaults to 100.
  • enabled(bool, optional): whether this override is enabled or not. Mainly used to disable existing overrides through datapacks. Defaults to true.
  • tooltip(text, optional): the text to display in the item’s tooltip when the conditions are fulfilled. If unspecified, no tooltip will be displayed. Specific overrides may tweak the way this tooltip is rendered.
  • mob(entity predicate, optional): a predicate for the possessed entity “using” the item.
  • override (object, required):
    • type: the type of the overriding behavior. As of Requiem 1.7.8, can be requiem:diet, requiem:healing, or requiem:cure. The other fields in this object depend on the chosen type and are described below.

Specifies one or more items that can exclusively be eaten by the targeted mobs. If multiple diet overrides target the same mob, they will be able to eat any item that is accepted by at least one of them.


  • food (item predicate, required): a predicate for food items that can be eaten by the given mob.
  • filter (string, optional): a filter that will be applied when eating the food. As of 1.7.8, can be "none" or "remove_harmful_effects".

Specifies one or more items that can be consumed by the targeted mobs for restoring some health.


  • item (item predicate, required): a predicate for items that can be used.
  • use_time (int, optional): the time taken to consume the item.
  • cooldown (int, optional): the time to wait before the same item can be eaten again.
  • usage (string, required): a consumption action. As of 1.7.8, can be "eat_to_heal" or "replace_bone".

Specifies one or more items that can be consumed by the targeted mobs to initiate the curing process.


  • possessed_state (entity predicate, required): a predicate for the state the entity must be in before the cure can begin. This predicate will be applied after the parent mob predicate, so checking eg. entity type here is redundant.
  • reagent (item predicate, required): a predicate for the item being used to initiate the cure

Schema V0

Old format, should be avoided when possible.

  • priority(int, optional): the priority of the scenario. Higher priority scenarios are tested first. Defaults to 100.
  • enabled(bool, optional): whether this override is enabled or not. Mainly used to disable existing overrides through datapacks. Defaults to true.
  • tooltip(text, optional): the text to display in the item’s tooltip when the conditions are fulfilled. If unspecified, no tooltip will be displayed.
  • possessed(entity predicate, optional): a predicate for the possessed entity “using” the item.
  • used_item(item predicate, optional): a predicate for the item stack being used
  • use_time(int, optional): the time to play a use animation for. Defaults to 0.
  • result:
    • action(string): as of 1.7.0, with no add-on, can be one of the following:
      • requiem:pass: lets the default item behavior take place
      • requiem:fail: prevents the item from being used
      • requiem:cure: attempts to start a curing process
      • requiem:eat_to_heal: available only for food items; converts the food’s hunger value to HP
      • requiem:replace_bone: available only for skeleton entities; heals 2 hearts
    • cooldown(int, optional): the cooldown before another item of the same type can be used