This page is here to help us quickly find dependency versions we often use in our mods. The version strings may be invalid maven identifiers, as they are currently pulled from Modrinth.

# Blabber (dialogues)
blabber_version = <BLABBER_VERSION>
# Cardinal Components API
cca_version = <CCA_VERSION>
# Cloth Config API (config screen)
cloth_config_version = <CLOTH_VERSION>
emi_version = <EMI_VERSION>
# Geckolib (entity animations)
geckolib_version = <GECKOLIB_VERSION>
# Iris (shaders mod)
iris_version = <IRIS_VERSION>
# Midnight Lib (config)
midnight_version = <MIDNIGHT_VERSION>
# Mod Menu
modmenu_version = <MODMENU_VERSION>
# Roughly Enough Items
rei_version = <REI_VERSION>
# Satin (shaders)
satin_version = <SATIN_VERSION>
# Sodium (rendering optimizations)
sodium_version = <SODIUM_VERSION>
# Trinkets
trinkets_version = <TRINKETS_VERSION>

# Blabber (dialogues)
blabber_version = <BLABBER_VERSION>
# Cardinal Components API
cca_version = <CCA_VERSION>
# Cloth Config API (config screen)
cloth_config_version = <CLOTH_VERSION>
emi_version = <EMI_VERSION>
# Geckolib (entity animations)
geckolib_version = <GECKOLIB_VERSION>
# Iris (shaders mod)
iris_version = <IRIS_VERSION>
# Midnight Lib (config)
midnight_version = <MIDNIGHT_VERSION>
# Mod Menu
modmenu_version = <MODMENU_VERSION>
# Roughly Enough Items
rei_version = <REI_VERSION>
# Satin (shaders)
satin_version = <SATIN_VERSION>
# Sodium (rendering optimizations)
sodium_version = <SODIUM_VERSION>
# Trinkets
trinkets_version = <TRINKETS_VERSION>


# Blabber (dialogues)
blabber = "<BLABBER_VERSION>"
# Cardinal Components API
cca = "<CCA_VERSION>"
# Cloth Config API (config screen)
clothConfig = "<CLOTH_VERSION>"
emi = "<EMI_VERSION>"
# Geckolib
geckolib = "<GECKOLIB_VERSION>"
# Iris (shaders mod)
iris = "<IRIS_VERSION>"
# Midnight Lib (config)
midnightLib = "<MIDNIGHT_VERSION>"
# Mod Menu
modmenu = "<MODMENU_VERSION>"
# Roughly Enough Items
rei = "<REI_VERSION>"
# Satin (shaders library)
satin = "<SATIN_VERSION>"
# Sodium (rendering optimizations)
sodium = "<SODIUM_VERSION>"
# Trinkets
trinkets = "<TRINKETS_VERSION>"

blabber = { module = "org.ladysnake:blabber", version.ref = "blabber" }
cca-base = { module = "dev.onyxstudios.cardinal-components-api:cardinal-components-base", version.ref = "cca" }
cca-entity = { module = "dev.onyxstudios.cardinal-components-api:cardinal-components-entity", version.ref = "cca" }
clothConfig = { module = "me.shedaniel.cloth:cloth-config-fabric", version.ref = "clothConfig"}
emi = { module = "dev.emi:emi-fabric", version.ref = "emi" }
geckolib = { module = "software.bernie.geckolib:geckolib-fabric-1.20.1", version.ref = "geckolib" }
iris = { module = "maven.modrinth:iris", version.ref = "iris" }
midnightLib = { module = "maven.modrinth:midnightlib", version.ref = "midnightLib" }
modmenu = { module = "com.terraformersmc:modmenu", version.ref = "modmenu"}
rei-api = { module = "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-api-fabric", version.ref = "rei" }
satin = { module = "org.ladysnake:satin", version.ref = "satin" }
sodium = { module = "maven.modrinth:sodium", version.ref = "sodium" }
trinkets = { module = "dev.emi:trinkets", version.ref = "trinkets" }